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Societies in motion Rather like doctors sounding the chest of patients, sociologists examine societies to decipher change, not only in everyday life but also in exceptional circumstances, such as the revolutions of the Arab Spring in 2011.  The role of civil society in the Arab Spring Demonstration in Tahrir square (Cairo, Egypt), In Tunisia and Egypt, NGOs, trade unions, farmers’ groups, religious and 18 February 2011. human rights organizations—an embryonic civil society constantly exposed to repression by authoritarian governments—gave rise to a new civil society that sparked the revolutions of 2011. The movement mainly involved unorganized and non-institutionalized young people and there is no doubt that Ben Ali and Mubarak were overthrown by civil forces, albeit much less Regional Observatory of Social Contexts organized than had hitherto been the norm. and Delinquency is launched Les sociétés civiles dans le monde musulman, by Anna Bozzo Officially launched in December 2011, the Regional Observatory and Pierre-Jean Luizard (eds.), Éditions ‘La découverte’, May 2011 of Social Contexts and Delinquency (Observatoire régional de la délinquance et des contextes sociaux) is a research program whose mission is to observe the various types of criminality in France’s south-eastern region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Supported by the Regional Council, it aims to set up a reference network on the subject and to propose detailed scientific expertise, especially by means of statistical studies and field surveys. 28 A year at CNRS 2011

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